Broke it in on our recent Ford's Independent Company of Colorados' slog up to Georgia Pass (11,598 feet asl). Camp was at about 10,798 and the cup did what it was supposed to with coffee, and reheating of descrated vegetables and also some rice pudding leftovers. Haven't hung it over a fire yet but the bail came in handy for removing it from the coals with a silk scarf. Temperature at camp got down to about 35 F and always have liked tall tin cups that when it's cold, you can wrap your hands around, especially morning coffee. Have also been using it on contemporary hikes and a backpack as a "sierra cup," which any well-made tin cup can be used for. No reason to spend money on a modern sierra cup when a living history cup works as well (or better, actually) - works fine with a JetBoil, just make sure there's water in it before applying to flames, just like when you're doing living history.
Excellent quality and authentic to the original.